lundi 21 mars 2011

Joseph Gordon Levitt dans The Dark Knight Rises & synopsis (RUMEURS)

Last week it was confirmed that Joseph Gordon-Levitt would be in The Dark Knight Rises, but the question of his character remained. This weekend Variety, which I guess is getting into the fanboy scoop game full on now, reported that it knows who his character is. The answer?

Alberto Falcone. He’s the son of Carmine Falcone, who Tom Wilkinson played in Batman Begins. In the comic series The Long Halloween

Spoiler ...

My source on the plot of The Dark Knight Rises told me that Levitt’s character

Spoiler ...

Devin Faraci campe sur ses positions concernant le resumé de l'intrigue de TDKR

Spoiler ...

Tout ça est encore bien sûr a prendre avec les pincettes d'usage ....

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